How to Improve Color Quality

Color CardImproving the quality of your color prints is important because think about it: Most of the time when you are printing in color, it will be for promotional materials and flyers. These are things that will help to bring in more customers. Presentation is everything in sales, and you want to present your advertisements in the best light possible. How can you do this? First, set the print resolution of your print driver to its highest setting. This will typically be at around 1800 x 600 or 1200 x 1200 dpi. Are you thinking about printing a photo? Wait one minute! First, check to see that your print driver has been set to photo instead of text or text and photo.

Want to produce the most vibrant colors possible? Set your color mode in the print driver to full color. If you want to improve your printing results, use the Adobe PostScript print driver to enhance your results. This will translate your red, green and blue values into cyan, magenta, yellow and B lack values, which are better. Finally, always use a high resolution when printing in color. Digital formats that include high resolution include JPEG, PNG and PDF. If you have a TIFF or Bitmap photo, this does not normally offer the same high quality for color printing of images.
